Saturday, October 20, 2012

Games - practice Your Mind

Games can be done for fun, or used as a tool for teaching and learning. It is carefully both as a work and as an art. Many of us do it for a living or as a form of an rehearsal for both mind and body. Also, it helps people to temporarily lean unto their competing side and wake their bodies up for alertness. It can be categorized under "play" for they are closely related. Only, games are structured plays which consist of components: goals, rules, challenges and interaction - which plays do not possess.

To best understand this, games have its elements and classifications. Elements are those which are used in the game. They are the tools, rules, and skills, strategy and chance. And its classifications are: single-player or manifold players.



Tools - balls are the most coarse tools used in games that apply them such as volleyball, soccer, basketball and the like. Others use cards for card games like poker or solitaire. Cars are also other form of tools for games such as racing. Tools are vital in the majority of games widely played nowadays. On the other hand, there are some which do not use tools to walk playing. Examples of these are "tag" and "hide-and-seek" which children usually play in school or in parks. Although tools do not work on the gameplay, but the surroundings can. Rules- This determines what should be done and what is wrong or taken as an offense. Rules claim salutary competition in the middle of two private or group players. A game has its fixed rules and if changed, it will be carefully not as the same game anymore but a new one. Skill, strategy and chance- Gamers are adequate with skills, may it be physical or mental, depending on the nature of the game. And whether they are individuals or in groups, in order to win, they build a good strategy. Yet, like any other, it partially relies on opportunity or luck wherein they [players] also take risks and guesses.


Single-player games- examples are puzzles or yo-yos which can be called recreational games. These are games which carry all the elements, but can only be played by one person, which means that the player's opponent is the environment, time and himself/herself. Interaction can only exist if done in groups playing the game together, and not as opponents. Multiple players-Games wherein a player/s has oppositions, and uses their skills against other player. Each of them (groups or individuals) has their skills and strategies to accomplish their coarse goal: to win.

Games - practice Your Mind

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